Friday, February 3, 2012

Wow, This Goat Good Surfing

/ On : 3:46 AM.
Dayna McGregor dan Kambing Peliharaannya (Foto : The Daily Telegraph)
Dayna McGregor and Goat them out (photo: The Daily Telegraph)
CALIFORNIA- Saw people surfing is probably common sights on the beach. But what if you are a surfing sheep?

This unique event occurred on the coast of Pismo, California, United States (US). Although not everyone can surf, a goat instead showed its superiority in surfing.

A female goat that looks really enjoy the game selancarnya. He was also able to follow a fairly large ocean waves.

"Initially he could fall. But I kept trying to lead him to be good at surfing, "said the owner of a female goat, Dayna McGregor was quoted as saying The Daily Telegraph, Thursday, (2/2/2012).

However, McGregor remained concerned that pets safety when surfing. McGregor did not forget the vest vest and watching applies them out from the back.

The download action games himself McGregor who coached the goats that females, got the attention of surfing from the visitors of the virtual world. In a short video that has seen thousands of people.(rhs)



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