Monday, November 28, 2011

The malls are starting to track your movements through your mobile phone

/ On : 1:33 AM.

Los centros comerciales están empezando a rastrear tus movimientos mediante tu móvil

Great, have increasingly less privacy. Recently vAryans malls announced they will begin to use a tracking system while you're inside the premises that it will use the signal from your mobile phone.

The idea is to focus on a buyer and see which shops enters, then carried out an exchange of data between shops and thus be able to see which stores will have less traffic and will seek a way to increase sales.

Monitoring software, as mentioned, does not collect personal data or information on the purchased products, but still I don't like the idea that constantly look to what understanding enter.

In any case, if you want to stop being tracked simply you should shut your mobile phone. And by the way, the system is just beginning to be used in a couple of shopping malls in the United States.UU., so will take a long time to reach other countries and may never come to smaller countries or the underdeveloped.



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