Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ahmed Harara, Follows A One-eyed Penumbang Mubarak

/ On : 12:25 AM.
Foto : Seseorang mengenakan kaos Ahmed Harara (AFP)
Photo: Man wearing t-shirts Ahmed Harara (AFP)
CAIRO -a dentist Ahmed Harara tell his story while fighting in the revolution that brought down former President of Egypt Husni Mubarak. Harara were missing one of his eyes in that event.

A photo wearing blinders Harara like a pirate make enough social networking in the virtual world. The photo was also described the brutal security apparatus Egypt action in addressing the demonstrators. Harara became one of the heroes of the revolution in Egypt.

"I don't want to be a symbol. The symbol of the revolution that is actually the Tahrir Square and the other demonstrators, "said 31-year-old man, AFPwas quoted as saying, Monday (28/11/2011).

Harara also always appear emotionally in the middle of the demonstrators who gathered at Tahrir Square. Dentists are also always welcome wherever he was. Demonstrators carrying banners Egypt also appears inscribed "We are your eyes, Ahmed Harara."

Lost his eye in Harara last January when the demonstrators have clashed with Egypt security apparatus.

"I got shot in the head, neck, and the right eye by a bullet. Shrapnel was damaging the retina I, "said Harara.

The man also tells, he was shot in the chest and suffered internal bleeding which eventually made him a coma for three days.

Although currently Harara lost an eye and his work, he continued to join the demonstrators to subvert the military Council that Egypt holds the power pascajatuhnya Mubarak.

Currently, one considered a Harara hero of Egypt who was still alive and his name shall be fixed is best remembered for his struggle.

"I prefer to live with the head upright, blind" says Harara.(rhs)



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