Tuesday, November 29, 2011

North Korea Helped Syria Build Missile Plants?

/ On : 1:04 AM.
Foto : Misil M-600 (thenein)
Photo: Missile M-600 (thenein)
SEOUL -Media from Die Welt, Germany claimed Syria get help from North Korea (North Korea) and Iran in the construction of the factory misilnya.

Die Welt said, North Korea provided aid technology as well as other material to Syria to build a factory misilnya. North Korea also accused sending device construction and energy experts to Syria.

Material for the manufacture of missiles was rumored to have been sent in 2009 then and now, the construction of the factory was already done.

Germany was the origin of the Media also claimed Syria support Hezbollah in Lebanon by providing missile M-600 which is technologically sophisticated long-range missiles.

The missile can reach targets so far reported 250 to 300 kilometers. So as Chosun, reported Monday (28/11/2011).

If the claim of Die Welt is true, this event is a violation of Security Council resolution United Nations (SECURITY COUNCIL) 1718 and 1874 against North Korea to export arms to other countries.

United Kingdom media, meanwhile, Times of London also reported that a missile factory, is the city of Homs and supervised by the Scientific Research Center of Syria.

To date, there has been no comment by the Government of Syria, which has been linked to these accusations. Syria has also been hit by a heavy sanction by the Arab League because Syria does not appear able to halt the ongoing violence.(rhs)



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