Friday, October 14, 2011

Russia Concerned over Iran Sanctions the European Union

/ On : 4:29 AM.
Foto : Rapat DK PBB (AFP)
Photo: Meeting Of The SECURITY COUNCIL (AFP)
MOSCOW -Russia expressed concern over the enforcement of sanctions against Iran as well as Belarus, carried out by the European Union.

At the beginning of this week, Foreign Ministers from the 27 EU countries perform the votes for a ban on visas and the freezing of assets against Iran officials 29 and 16 officials of Belarus. The enforcement of sanctions is intended to respond to acts of repression against demonstrators who carried out by the two countries.

"Look of the sanctions unilaterally (unilateral) of Security Council United Nations (SECURITY COUNCIL)," said a spokesman for Russia's Foreign Minister Alexander Lukashevich, as quoted Ria Novosti, Thursday (1/10/2011).

Such steps, said Lukashevich assessed will give a negative effect on the political situation in both countries.

Russia is also very concerned at the existence of blocs or parties in the SECURITY COUNCIL that threatened to impose sanctions on Syria's President Bashar al-Assad.

More recently, Russia has also started to declare its attitude strictly speaking against Syria was for him in the SECURITY COUNCIL. Russia has been using his Royal veto rights for the sake of rescuing Syria from sanctions the Security Council, and today Russia is also a reform bill promises will be made by President Assad.(rhs)

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