Friday, October 14, 2011

Mexico Is Ready To Wake Up The Earth's Bowels Skyscraper Building

/ On : 5:29 AM.
Rancangan dari gedung piramida terbalik di bawah tanah kota Meksiko/dym
The design of the reverse pyramid building in Mexico City subway/dym
MEXICO CITY -If we usually made is bedazzled by the tall buildings of skyscrapers. This time it was be prepared to welcome the presence of outstanding buildings of the city of Mexico, namely building skyscrapers in the bowels of the Earth.

The building is a skyscraper in the belly of the Earth is a giant pyramid-shaped building ' upside down ' on the depth of the soil's thrust as deep as 300 meters towards the bowels of the Earth.

Inverted pyramid building will have 65 floors of basement. As many as 35 floor most tip or most in this House will be of central offices. 10 floors above the Office area is residential, 10 floors above the area of residence or settlement is a shopping centre, and 10 floors above the shopping centre is a museum.

The top surface of the building upside down it will covered the floors made of glass covering an area of 240 m x 240 m. So in those buildings get natural light from the world over. In the middle of the square not forget also the national flag of Mexico's thrust.

Esteban Suarez, of architectural firm BNKR Arquitectura says, the building will become the new cultural centre for Mexico.

"The new Infrastructure, offices, shopping malls and new residential areas in the city is required but there is no land available," says Suarez was quoted as saying the Daily Mail, Thursday (1/10/2011).

"The law of the federal and local law prohibits the destruction of the buildings that contain history. As for the new building to be built is only limited to eight levels, "he said.

"Center of the town's history is necessary updates but there is no place for it. The only way is to create a building that was built upside down, "he explained.

Inverted pyramid is expected will have a large part of the architectural history of Mexico.(rhs)

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