Monday, October 24, 2011

The number of flood victims Viet Nam Increased So 55 People

/ On : 5:34 PM.
Ilustrasi : artuproar
Illustration: artuproar
HANOI – the Government of Viet Nam reported, the number of victims of floods in his country when it was up to 55 people. More than 170 thousand housing currently already hit by flooding.

The worst floods that hit Viet Nam began in last August. This flood killed 24 people initially most were children. Approximately 60 thousand housing also hit by the flooding.

However, flood victims were increasing, as is the case in Thailand. Heavy rain was the main cause of the deadly floods. So as reported Associated Press, Tuesday (6/10/2011).

Viet Nam itself is one of the countries of the world's largest rice exporter. The farm is located in the Mekong River delta which is the area that had been flooded rice-producing.

On 10 October, a total loss due to floods in Viet Nam reached USD44 million or approximately Rp390,8 billion (Rp8,883 per dollar).

Deadly floods which hit Viet Nam also felt by Thailand and Cambodia. Originated from a tropical storm and monsoon, there was heavy rain in the third country in Southeast Asia. The heavy rain that never after did cause flooding. Total casualties were killed by floods in a third country is rumored to reach 500 people.(rhs)

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