Thomas M Countryman (Photo: U.S. Kemlu)
JAKARTA -Assistant Foreign Minister of the United States (u.s.) for international security and Non-Proliferation (ISN) Thomas M Countryman rate, the world needs a new energy that is clean and safe. He said nuclear energy can be a great investment.
Indonesia, which currently still haven't been able to determine whether it can develop nuclear technology, the need to prepare when it wants to use nuclear technology.
If Indonesia ready for nuclear energy?
I could not make a forecast for Indonesia. The world as well as Indonesia, need new energy sources and cleaner that can reduce the threat of global warming. This is very important for Indonesia.
Nuclear energy can be a way to meet those goals. This is a great investment in money and human resources, including getting experts.
Our commitment is based on the non-proliferation Treaty. For countries that choose nuclear energy, then they are entitled to be given technical assistance. If Indonesia decided to choose nuclear energy, then we will work together. But this can only be determined by Jakarta not Washington.
What about the threat of terrorists who could use the nuclear technology to attack u.s. interests?
We know Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups trying to master the technologies that can be used as nuclear weapons. (But) it is very difficult (for conquered), even for countries such as Iran and North Korea.
All is not easy. But we recognize that terrorist groups are trying to master the technology and trying to get the ingredients maker of nuclear weapons. This has been realized by President Obama.
President Obama is doing the same work at the Nuclear Security Summit last year, to work colleagues in Asia and the world in order to obstruct the ability of the terrorist grabs the ingredients maker nuclear weapons.(faj)
Indonesia, which currently still haven't been able to determine whether it can develop nuclear technology, the need to prepare when it wants to use nuclear technology.
How is the readiness of Indonesia in mastering nuclear technology? The following from 's interview with Thomas M Countryman at the US Embassy in Jakarta, Saturday (6/10/2011).
If Indonesia ready for nuclear energy?
I could not make a forecast for Indonesia. The world as well as Indonesia, need new energy sources and cleaner that can reduce the threat of global warming. This is very important for Indonesia.
Nuclear energy can be a way to meet those goals. This is a great investment in money and human resources, including getting experts.
Our commitment is based on the non-proliferation Treaty. For countries that choose nuclear energy, then they are entitled to be given technical assistance. If Indonesia decided to choose nuclear energy, then we will work together. But this can only be determined by Jakarta not Washington.
What about the threat of terrorists who could use the nuclear technology to attack u.s. interests?
We know Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups trying to master the technologies that can be used as nuclear weapons. (But) it is very difficult (for conquered), even for countries such as Iran and North Korea.
All is not easy. But we recognize that terrorist groups are trying to master the technology and trying to get the ingredients maker of nuclear weapons. This has been realized by President Obama.
President Obama is doing the same work at the Nuclear Security Summit last year, to work colleagues in Asia and the world in order to obstruct the ability of the terrorist grabs the ingredients maker nuclear weapons.
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