Sunday, March 4, 2012

North Korea Suspected Iran Nuclear Warhead Test

/ On : 9:19 PM.
Korut dituduh uji coba nuklir Iran (Foto: APA)
North Korea accused Iran nuclear tests (photo: APA)
BERLIN -A well-known newspaper in Germany claimed his side get a report that North Korea (North Korea) conducts testing Iran's nuclear warheads. The report recalls that Iran's nuclear program is indeed aided North Korea.

According to the Newspaper Welt am Sonntag, the Sunday (4/3/2012), at least in North Korea has been conducting nuclear tests identified belonged to Iran in 2010. The report is retrieved based on the data received from the Organization's Comprehensive nuclear test contract.

Data be obtained at one by Sweden's nuclear expert Lars-Erik De Geer, used on the basis of data obtained from South Korea (Rok), Japan and Russia. "The nuclear test, North Korea instead of using plutonium, uranium but rather in 2006 and 2010," report De Geer.

Kesakisian De Geer was confirmed by the Director of the Interior Ministry's policy, Germany's Hans Ruhle. Ruhle suspect that North Korea is conducting trials of nuclear warheads for Iran in 2010.

Both Iran and North Korea are indeed considered to be entered in the axis of evil by the United States (US). Both were considered to pose a threat to the security of the world on its nuclear program.

While Iran continues to develop its nuclear programme which is considered to be aimed at making weapons, North Korea thus slightly softened.

North Korea even made a deal with the United States, to reduce their nuclear program and replaced with the granting of food aid by the us.



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