Monday, January 16, 2012

These Unlawful Russia AS International

/ On : 3:17 AM.
Foto : Ria Novosti
Photo: Ria Novosti
-MOSCOW The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia highlights new security legislation that was signed by United States President Barack Obama last December.

Russia assessing security ACT has the inauguration of the consequences which are serious and contrary to international law.

"This law contribute to the wider use of criminal legislation and anti-Us terrorist in relation to citizens who come from a third country," said Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement quoted Ria Novosti, Week, (15/1/2012).

More Kemenlu Russia says, along with the US ambition to expand the range of his military force then the new u.s. safety ACT is judged contrary to the International Covenant of 1966.

In the 1966 International Covenants addressed the civil rights and politics were prohibited from taking away individual freedom, prohibited torture and other cruel acts against prisoners, and it's also mentioned international treaties must be fair justice for the availability of every individual.

Act which was signed last December is known as the National Defence Act authorizing the ACT contains various provisions governing the defence, the prosecution of terrorist suspects and introgasi.

New u.s. Security ACT it has allowed the US military to detain anyone suspected of being terrorists without first undergoing a legitimate judicial processes. Without passing through the official procedure the suspects would be sent directly to Guantanamo prison.

"New u.s. Security ACT contrary to the obligations of the UNITED STATES on international humanitarian law," the statement imbuh.(rhs)



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