Saturday, November 5, 2011

Unexpectedly Died, Baby Hospital Waste

/ On : 2:50 PM.
Ilustrasi: Reuters
Illustration: Reuters
BEIJING -a hospital in China sentenced four people his medical officer after throwing a baby who is still in a State of breathing. The medical officer of the fourth wrong doing diagnosis by assessing the baby had died.

The Guangdong provincial Department of Health is currently conducting an investigation of the incident that occurred on 26 October in the Red Cross Hospital in Foshan Nanhai.

The incident began when Dongmei Liu, a mother who is pregnant eight months was rushed to the hospital when the bleed. The woman was forced to give birth to her child in an emergency.

When the baby Liu born, medical see the baby not breathing or crying. When was out of his mother's belly, the baby's condition would have turn blue.

Convinced that the baby is not animate again, the medical team was rumored to throw out the baby without going through the procedure of the hospital. When the brother-in-law Liu asked for the remains of those 30 minutes after baby is born, it turns out that her baby was still alive.

"I open the plastic covering it and look at that baby's hands and feet moving. While her stomach was up to, as well as a wave of air out of his mouth, "said adir brother-in-law Liu was quoted as saying AFP, Friday (4/11/2011).

Another thing that surprised him was, that baby turns out to be male rather than female ones released by the hospital before. According to local media, the nurses intentionally says that baby girls in order to cover up their mistakes.

Following the discovery of the newborns were immediately was rushed to the Emergency Department for treatment. The baby is currently reported in stable condition.

World News



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