Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thousands of people Stay in Cairo

/ On : 9:09 AM.
Rakyat Mesir penuhi Tahrir Square (Foto: AP)
The people of Egypt fill Tahrir Square (photo: AP)
CAIRO -dozens of tents erected on Tahrir square, Cairo, Egypt. They seem to still hold protest action continues against the determined Government Egypt.

The protesters who were expected to reach thousands of people, still continue to stay on the register of historic places is also a symbol of the struggle of the people of Egypt while lowering power Hosni Mubarak.

The demands of the demonstrators is still the same. They want as quickly as possible the Military Council of Egypt hand over power to the civilian Government.

Look a few traders were also looking for a good thing in this protest. The presence of such merchants on this indicates that the protesters will last a long time in that place.

Although the previous Chairman of the Board of military General Hussein Tantawi, gave assurances that the transfer of power from military to civil disobedience will take place in June 2012. But this plan was rejected outright by the protesters.

They urged that the Military hand over power when the Council is as well. "People want a Government that can save them and able to act in a revolutionary," wrote the slogan carried by some activists as cited Gulf News, Saturday (26/11/2011).

Protest at Tahrir square has been going on for eight days. The action was tinged clash with authorities led to 41 people were killed and more than 2,000 protesters were injured.

In fact the Military Council has taken the Middle Road of desire protesters. On Friday, Kamal Ganzuri ditujuk as Prime Minister. However, his appointment was opposed to all the people considering former Defense Minister Ganzuri is Egypt for Mubarak still voiced.

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