Thursday, November 3, 2011

Iraq's Parliament Rejected The Resignation Of His

/ On : 1:39 AM.
Presiden Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad terus diancam parlemen (Foto: Reuters)
The President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues to threatened Parliament (photo: Reuters)
TEHRAN -Parliament of Iran which currently rejects resignation demand plan proposed by an official of the conservative country.

This resignation plans conducted by Ali Motahari after her failed to urge Parliament to summon President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The plan called for the President of Iran that account for a lot of crime, including corruption.

Motahari resignations after he was unable to again represent the people of the meilihnya. Her new will cancel the resignation after parliamentary party began an investigation into the Ahamdijad. So reported Associated Press, Wednesday (2/11/2011).

Iran Parliament rejects plan for other select Motahari's resignation, with 155 votes-31 of the 290 lawmakers in Iran. While 12 members and rumored abstained.

It is unclear whether this vote further make Ahmadinejad was soon brought to Parliament for the requested description, on charges that are directed to him.

Meanwhile, Iran's economy Minister Shamseddin Hosseini survived an alleged scandal ditudingkan by Iran's Parliament, with the aid of Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

As many as 250 members of Parliament Iran do voting for deciding the fate of Hosseini. As many as 141 members of Parliament of Iran decided to remain in his position Hosseini as Minister of economy of Iran.

Hosseini had earlier accused do not implement effective supervision in the activity of banks in Iran and engage in embezzlement of funds amounting to USD2,6 billion or roughly Rp23 trillion. This scandal is regarded as the greatest scandal ever in the history of Iran.

Iran's Parliament also point out actions Hosseini nepotism and no liability related to the scandal.

Hosseini defended himself by saying, her little regard the existence of a case of embezzlement of funds and expressed apologies in front of the Parliament and the people.

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