Monday, November 21, 2011

Clashes in Egypt Kills 20 people

/ On : 10:05 PM.
Foto : Kerusuhan di Mesir (telegraph)
Photo: riots in Egypt (the telegraph)
CAIRO -Ministry of health of Egypt reported 20 people were killed in Egypt after the advent of the clashes between demonstrators and police on Sunday.

The demonstrators urged the acceleration of the transfer of the unrelenting Power Of Egypt's military to civilian Government. On this day, the 20 people confirmed killed and 1,750 others were wounded. So as reported Associated Press, Monday (21/11/2011).

Egypt's military Council had previously been planned power transfer process which will take place in late 2012 or early 2013.

Protest is not only happening in Cairo, a similar action in Alexandria also occurred and also the city of Suez. While in the city of Suez, security forces reported to fire bullets organic toward protesters.

Egypt's security apparatus is also responding action protesters by firing bullets at karetnya, while demonstrators also reward with rocks and molotov. This action also invited a response from Egypt's military police personnel.

According to some of the demonstrators, the police appear to be dragging the bodies of the demonstrators were killed in action demonstrations it and throw it into a landfill.

Political upheaval and violence seem coloring Egypt lately. In October, Egypt affirmed the military Council, they will still act violently in order to secure the situation heats up.(rhs)

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