Wednesday, November 23, 2011

According to the CEO of Nvidia tablets quad - core will have low prices in May of next year

/ On : 3:57 AM.

Según el CEO de Nvidia los tablets quad-core tendrán bajos precios en mayo del año que viene

It is expected that the Tegra 3 tablets prices go down quickly. The CEO of Nvidia, Jen-Hsun Huang, has anticipated that the tablets of Quad prices will come down for the months of may or June of next year.

Huang said that the Tegra 3 prices will come down to us $300 "in a couple of quarters", i.e. in 6 months approximately, maybe in a little more.

Seems that the new tablet will be more accessible than the Tegra 2, with prices ranging from $ $ 300 to $800 dollars, but only a device costs the lesser amount.

Hopefully, these high-end tablets which manufacture companies like Samsung, HTC and Apple to lower their price significantly.



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