Monday, October 17, 2011

Treat A Friend, The President Of France To Pitch No Pay

/ On : 12:31 AM.
Presiden Sarkozy saat menunggu kopi yang dipesan (Foto: Reuters)
President Sarkozy while waiting for the coffee is booked (photo: Reuters)
PARIS -Mean heart want to act as ordinary citizens, the President of France Nicolas Sarkozy quite dirudung shame. After the coffee treats to his subordinates, President Sarkozy suddenly directly leave without pay for a coffee dinikmatinya.

This embarrassing incident occurred when the President visited Villetelle, a small village in Creuse, France. In this place does Sarkozy presidential nomination campaign of France 2012 release.

Entering a café, President Sarkozy also ordered six cups of coffee to his subordinates. The price for six cups of coffee reached 6 euro or approximately USD $ 73.695 (USD 12.282 per euro).

Sarkozy also enjoy coffee while talking with his colleagues and told me that there is nothing more beautiful in this world, in addition to enjoying a glass of coffee with friends.

"This place is beautiful. We want to move to this place, "said Sarkozy to the owner of the Cafe Bruno Durand Reuterswas quoted as saying, Saturday (3/10/2011).

When Sarkozy met with the owner of the cafe, he claimed his Government makes life easier in rural citizens by reducing the taxes of up to 5.5 percent.

Chug coffee, satisfied himself left the Cafe and up to three days and then bills the coffee it is not dibayarnya.

"This shows that Sarkozy is not able to act as an ordinary citizen. He wants to win elections and pretending to be citizens in General, but now he proved just enjoy drinking coffee with her friend at the time of the camera lead him, "snapped a local.

Intend to win France's upcoming presidential election, 2012 for Sarkozy is known as a figure who prefer to conduct the meeting in a luxury hotel than at a bar or Cafe.

May itself want to cheating kebisaan President of the United States (u.s.) Barack Obama, who is familiar with the citizens and often treats staff of his presidency.

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