Wednesday, October 26, 2011

US Wants Investigation Of The Death Of Khadafi

/ On : 12:23 AM.
Foto : Asisten Menteri Luar Negeri AS Kurt M. Campbell (daylife)
Photo: Assistant Secretary of State Kurt m. Campbell (daylife)
- -United States (u.s.) wanted an investigation of the relics of the former ruler of Libya, which was judged Partially Khadafi mass and shot.

"Basically, we are aware of any sizable wars in Libya that killed Khadafi. US urges an investigation against a partially Khadafi's death, "said Deputy US Secretary of State, Kurt m. Campbell, on journalists in the U.S. Ambassador's residence, on Tuesday (25/10/2011).

Campbell also expressed support for the new Government in Libya pemerintahnyaterhadap. He strongly supported the creation of democratic processes and economic growth also in Libya.

The insistence on an investigation related to the insistence of the remains was done by some Khadafi parties. The United Nations (UN) had also urged that the investigation was carried out as soon as possible.

In two of the videotapes, the first video showing footage of Khadafi who is still alive and judged by the masses, but the second video shows the former ruler of Libya, which slumped on the ground and killed was shot in the head.

In addition to supporting democracy, AS also saying the citizens of Libya are confronted by a challenge, how to deal with culture-a culture bequeathed by Khadafi.

The bodies of the former ruler of Libya was rumored to be buried in a location that is confidential in a desert in the Sirte. Meanwhile, the remains of the son of Khdafi, Muatassim will also be buried with the procession with his father.(rhs)



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