Lindsay Lohan appeared all dressed in white in his appointment to the Court on Wednesday (19/10/2011). Yeap, again! Sor Lilo came with the face of I not went! a horrendous makeup, was a slick bronze cheeks, frightening, parecía… the worst ever makeup! but perhaps wanted to combine with their teeth. Ok, to the point, the judge overturned the parole of the Lohan and her were esposada, for nothing because then they came they paid bail and ciao circus! The judge once more called irresponsible Linds having been pitch of the Downtown Women's Center, where completed his community service. The judge concluded that Lohan had violated his parole, and disbelief the judge read out the report a section where Lindsay told the official probation, community service in the Women's Center was not satisfactory (WTF?) (Does she wanted to vacation in the Bahamas?) Lindsay was cast of the Women's Center to not attend 9 times. The judge also doubted the glamorous and beautiful 'actress' to attend the meetings with the psychiatrist, as it was required. Of course, Lilo lawyer must grab that check, and said that the Lohan had failed because he had to travel abroad to work (JAJAJAJAJAJAA!) LMAO!) When everyone knows that he was partying in celebration and why was it failed to keep appointments. The judge said, [Lindsay] is assumed to be an actress, is what I heard. Also recalled every time that the actress has gone to lose their appointments at Court and reminded him to counsel that the probation is a gift. Another detail, Lindsay was reassigned by the Department of probation to the Red Cross, the judge said that she will not have credit for what he does there, the Department does not have the authority to reassign lilo. Lindsay must complete 16 hours in the morgue before November 2, which is the other appearence in court. Ok, this is seriously? Do I wonder, how many times Lindsay go to the Court without any advance and her regañaran call you everything will pay bail and now? This is a joke, honestly. And speaking of mockery, after that everyone mocked Lindsay teeth, which were extremely GROSS! She had a dental emergency (insurance seen in the mirror) Yipis, a dental emergency moved teeth, now has them white and are 'healthy'. By the way the father of the Lohan said that those teeth are smoking crack or methadona. Bing!
Lindsay Lohan on her arrival in Los Angeles Court House with his lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley
in Los Angeles, California.
Fame Pictures
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