Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Iran Successfully Tests Anti-Radar

/ On : 3:03 AM.
Ilustrasi: AFP
Illustration: AFP
TEHRAN Iran Military is rumored to success-tested their anti-missile radar. These missiles are capable of touching the rumored to Israel and United States (u.s.).

"We managed to do a test of a long-range missile called Qader and Nour today," said Deputy Commander of the Navy of Iran Mahmoud Mousavi Reuterswas quoted as saying, Monday (2/1/2012).

The missile is also rumored to have anti-radar technology which surely difficult to track by radar systems of other countries. Of course this may threaten countries far into enemy Iran.

This coincided with the launch of a missile war exercises in the Strait of Hormuz, who had previously threatened to shut down by Iran. Exercise this war lasts for 10 days in the vicinity of the Strait into the oil exports of roughly 40 percent of world oil distribution.

Some analysts warn of missile attack is a form of a warning to the West, that they should not impose economic sanctions on Iran.

In addition to these anti-radar missile, Iran also managed to build a sophisticated kind of destroyer warships. 1,420 tons weighing vessel is equipped with radar and ability with high-tech war.

She is known to have reached a speed of 30 knots and a helicopter pad. The destroyer is also equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, anti-tank missiles and anti-submarine missiles.



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