Saturday, November 5, 2011

Russia: North Korea will collapse in 2020

/ On : 10:47 AM.
Foto : Pemimpin Korut Kim Jong Il (guardian)
Photo: North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il (guardian)
MOSCOW -an agency of Russia policy researcher, The Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) predicts that North Korea (North Korea) will collapse in 2020.

IMEMO convinced one of the causes of the collapse of North Korea's transfer of power from North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il to his son Kim Jong Un. The leadership crisis will occur in North Korea and pergelutan between bureaucrats and the ruler and the military is going to happen. So as reported Chosun, Friday (4/11/2011).

North Korea's economy will decline and the Kim Jong Il loyalists will run to China or Russia, towards the destruction of the regime of North Korea.

IMEMO also highlights the issue of the reunification of Korea were pioneered by South Korea (Rok). IMEMO explains, the reunification process is expected to take effect is good enough for economy of Russia.

Since the advent of the revolution in the Arab world, North Korea's regime seems to be getting a little worried. They even import all sorts of security equipment from China and tightening his control of the activities of the society of North Korea.

They even banned all its citizens in Libya to return to his homeland. This is due to the regime of North Korea are worried they will be doing a stunt demonstrations to topple the regime in power, as well as in Libya.

Poverty also swept the Communist country, many citizens who are tormented by hunger. In addition many citizens of North Korea who chose to flee from his country.(rhs)

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