Saturday, November 5, 2011

Honduras Police Arrested 176

/ On : 9:30 AM.
Ilustrasi : justice4stephen
Illustration: justice4stephen
TEGUCIGALPA -as many as 176 security apparatus had to be detained as a result of Honduras allegations of corruption and involvement in organized crime activities.

Minister of security of Honduras said, the police officer suspects a murder, kidnapping, and trading locations. The arrest was also made after the acquittal of four police suspects who allegedly killed two of his students.

On this week, the President of Honduras Porfirio Lobo even fired high Commander and military police deployed to Honduras to fight crime.

"We've been throwing apples-apples rotting in the national police," said Lobo, BBCwas quoted as saying, Friday (4/11/2011).

Honduras was already suffering from high rates of criminality that cannot be handled by the police. According to the report, as many as 300 automatic assault rifle belonging to police forces successfully stolen by criminals in the police station.

The country is also a place of transit from smugglers moving drugs from South America to Mexico and the United States (u.s.).

According to the report of the United Nations (UN) in 2010, Honduras declared a State of full will murder incident. The killings in Honduras generally occur due to disputes between criminal groups.(rhs)

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