Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This seals so the King in a flock of Penguins

/ On : 2:25 PM.
Foto: Dailymail
Photo: Dailymail
GULF of SAINT ANDREW -an event immortalized by a uniquely successful photographer France Michel Watso. Her capture caused a giant sea or elephant seals who became King in the midst of a flock of penguins.

These photos were taken at the Bay successfully Saint Andrew, in Southern Georgia near the Falkland Islands. Unique photos from shows, these seals emerge from the water abruptly while bergeram with mouth wide open as if to say, "I was the one King Penguin".

Sontak when that startle living things around him and his companions which termauk Michel was on the national holiday traces in the Antarctic.

Many people who fear the incident, but Michel precisely over and capture the moments of the emergence of giant sea dogs.

"She comes to the surface for the first time just around six seconds, and then he went back into the water. Before long he returned again to show up and do the same thing when I first bring up herself, at least 15 times she does the same thing over and over again. More or less in five minutes, "said Michel was quoted as saying the Daily Mail, Mon (5/10/2011).

"Approximately two meters I was located in front of him, but absolutely not feel scared, in fact this is the funniest thing. He is like knowingly stole a lot of attention from us, "Michel imbuh.

Still according to Michel, this giant seals around two meters in height with a weight of roughly 2.994 kilograms.(rhs)

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