Sunday, October 23, 2011

Putin: I Am A Hard Worker

/ On : 12:35 AM.
Foto : Perdana Menteri Rusia Vladimir Putin (zdlr)
Photo: Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin (zdlr)
MOSCOW -Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin praised himself. Diamengaku a hard worker. Putin earlier also States will compete in the election of the President of Russia at the upcoming 2012.

Yesterday, Putin on Monday appeared on national television and Russia addressed. He showed courage in public. In television, Putin stressed that, three Presidents of the Soviet Union (before turning into Russia) less ably in lead countries.

"I can't recalled the leaders of the Soviet Union after World War II which is a hard worker. They don't know what to do because they don't talk. The country has collapsed and suffered a breakup, "said ex-Colonel from intelligence agencies that Russia (KGB) AFPwas quoted as saying, Tuesday (6/10/2011).

Putin was out, the leaders of the Soviet Union when it does not guarantee the security of the people and their different ideologies as well as the country's economy to monopolize that eventually brought the country's collapse.

While serving as President of Russia from 2000 to 2008, Putin controls Russia's national television. He is considered as one who is able to cope with the crisis and ensure the security of the people.

Television was also showing the image of macho Putin can be riding in a fighter aircraft, has a horse, and maintaining the Siberian Tiger.

Putin is very different from the current President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, who was a nerdy. Medvedev also did not intend to follow the election of the President of Russia at the upcoming 2012.

In September, Putin announced that he was about to follow the presidential race for the third time in March 2012.(rhs)

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